Our work is appreciated by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, with which we have collaborated for years and we will continue to do so.
Among our projects we include the provision of food in schools. For the third consecutive year we are taking part in the project named “Frutta e Verdura nelle Scuole” (Fruit and Vegetables distributed in primary schools) lasting 6 years (2017-2023).
Through this initiative, promoted in collaboration between the European Union and the Ministry, we reach about 700 schools, entering the primary school classes of the regions of Tuscany, Umbria and Abruzzo. The dispensation concerns about 88 thousand students who receive and consume fruit and vegetables selected and distributed by Leonardos L.t.d.
With the project “Latte nelle Scuole” (Milk distributed in primary schools), we have reached schools in the regions of Sicily (during the year 2017-2018), Lazio and Abruzzo (during the year 2018/2019, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023). Through this initiative, we distributed dairy products (such as milk, yoghurt and cheeses) to approximately 50,000 pupils.
To those numbers it must be added the third year of fruit distribution service within the canteens of nursery schools in the municipality of Ancona (through the years 2017 - 2018, 2018 - 2019, 2019 - 2020). The origin of all products we administered is certified and tracked. High consideration is given to particular dietary needs of consumers to whom we ensure the highest quality in the distribution of products such as milk, fruit and vegetables. We also deal with the supply of some products, such as: fruit and vegetables, dairy products (including milk, yoghurt and cheeses), cereals (such as wheat, durum wheat, soft wheat, corn, barley, oats and derivatives such as pasta, flour, semolina, bran and flour).

For Trenitalia company we take care of the distribution to their customers of three comfort kits: basic, warm and fresh. The aim is to support passengers in particular critical situations of railway traffic.



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