Leonardos Srl

Altamura is our homeland. Our territory is composed of boundless nature and fertile lands with innovative minds. We have always been innovators with a desire to discover new horizons. Difficult challenges make us feel alive. There are no too complicated adventures to undertake. The more difficult they are, the more we are driven to study,deepen and get involved in order to create new projects.
Altamura is a land with deep roots, solidly connected to its culture and traditions, but with a national and international scope.

What are we doing?

Leonardos L.t.d. is a leader in the research and marketing of food and agri-food products market. Import, export and marketing of products are our objectives both in national and international markets.
The macro-areas across which we run our business are:

Our certificates

  • UNI-EN-ISO 9001 = To ensure the highest quality, efficiency and productivity of our company.
  • UNI-EN-ISO 14001:2015 = We pursue our philosophy of reducing environmental impact. This certification confirms our commitment.
  • ISO 45001:2018 = We provide all our staff with a safe and healthy workplace, preventing accidents at work and health problems.
  • UNI-EN-ISO 22005:2008 = We identify the risks to which we are exposed in the food supply chain and manage them according to the law..
  • Agricoltura Biologica EU (Reg. CE 834/07) = Certification for products compliant with organic production in all its phases (following the UE laws - Reg. CE 834/07 and CE 889/08).



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